I had a dream...
I had a dream last night. Disappointingly, nothing sexual happened. It was one of those dreams in which you're like half awake. So in this dream I was running for president or governor in the United States (I'm Canadian, btw, eh), and I gave a speech on animal rights. I felt that the people needed a wakeup call on the subject, so I rolled up my sleeves, loosened up my tie and I sat down on the edge of the stage and gave it to them, despite strong objections from my advisors...
... I figured, the votes I'd lose from the animal rights activists, I'd gain in ten folds from people who resent or are confused by the non-sense that is animal rights. So I went:
"I'm a bit confused... but I think protecting animal rights is cool. How could I not be when cool people like Pamela and Bono are badmouthing animal product consumers in every camera opportunity they have. Animals shouldn't subject to the cruelty of skinning, product-testing, sport-hunting or being eaten. After all, those are not the reasons why they exist in this world, right?" [pause]
Saying the previous sentence left a bad taste in my mouth.
"What the hell then are they here for?!, if I dare to ask myself. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the concept of food chain. Why is it ok for animals to eat other animals but not for humans. Testing chemical products on animals is cruel, I agree. However, testing on humans or not thoroughly testing a chemical product at all before releasing to public is even crueler, crueler to the kind of animal that is us. Animals, aside from being cute, contribute greatly to our comfort, entertainment, safety and economies. In short, their sacrifice means our own survival. Will you want a government who takes side with animal rights activists and makes laws that jeopardizes our well-being? My report might seem one-sided; though, I do understand that animal rights need to be protected to a certain extend. I just hope the public will think for themselves on this subject instead of being brainwashed by the mass media, which is oppositely one-sided from my point of view. Democracy is in place to select politicians to run the country the way its people want to run it. It is the voters' duty to make sure what they want is really from their own conscious decision before they cast their votes."
I expected either cheers or boos, but the audience remained silent after the speech to my surprise.